High school students have been showing off their skills during assembly. Children have been given the chance to show fellow students what hobbies and skills they have outside of school.
Event organiser Prathima Yarla said “Children are training on extracurricular activities outside of school in which they are interested in, we have seen performances such as yoga, karate, hula hooping, martial arts, dance and music”
Some students were so excited about performing that they began training and were self motivated to practice singing and dancing just to take part in the talent assemblies. With the competiveness in state and district competitions children may not get chance in formally conducted competitions, so PHS is providing them with a platform to show their talent. “This motivates them to strengthen their skills and also persuades fellow students to start new skills” Prathima said.
The hula hoop performance was well received by students and teachers in the audience. The energy related to fitness and the movements to some fun music was entertaining for everyone. Over the next few days performances will include art & craft displays, acting, singing and dancing and a variety of sports.