Presidency offers a number of positions for overseas teachers. The school can construct a specific job role depending on the applicant. The duration of employment is negotiable and can span 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.
Alongside classroom teaching Presidency is eager to employ educators in the following areas:
Lesson planning and teacher training
We are looking to build sustainable curriculum that Presidency teachers can deliver at a high standard. Previous overseas employees have developed lesson plans and worked closely with departments in delivery techniques and classroom management.
Cover and supply coordinator
This is a dynamic position which allows interaction with students across every year group and gives exposure to various subjects. The coordinator will work closely with all the teaching staff to build a robust cover policy.
S.M.I.L.E Teacher
SMILE (social skills, motivation, integrity, leadership, emotions) uses social emotional learning in fun and creative classes. Teachers are expected to use media and unique activities to help shape SMILE classes and allow students to experience in a dynamic learning experience.
Behavior Management and Pastoral Counselling
Presidency is continually trying to improve upon the high standards set by all of our teachers in regards to classroom management, providing workshops and mentoring allows teachers to learn new techniques. As a Presidency counselor you will have firsthand experience of the various challenges Indian students face.
Sports and Nutrition Officer
Games periods are popular amongst all of the students at Presidency, and being part of the PE staff will expose students to new drills and games alongside their usual sporting programme. You will be required to build a dynamic sports curriculum and to improve nutritional awareness for students and parents.
Extra-Curricular Activity coordinator
This post will help the school build a platform to encourage staff and students to take part in after school events. Previous clubs and societies have been set up and well supported by the school and it is hoped that this ethos will continue.
In addition, successful applicants will be provided with:
Job description and contract
Support & time for personal travel
Private Transport
Salary or honorarium depending on visa