27 April 2018. SSC exam results day. We are going to remember and cherish this day for a very, very long time!
The efforts that our students, teachers, and parents put through the year finally brought fruit and Presidency High School celebrated the end of the year with 100% pass results. Moreover, 15% of our students got the perfect 10 GPA score.
The results are proof that relentless hard work and confidence can bring stupendous results. It is also testimony that our school has efficient and understanding staff members who provided support to our students throughout the year. Let’s also not forget the amount of effort every student put in to concentrate on their examination.
We would also like to tip our hats to the parents of all our students – without their encouragement, our students wouldn’t have scripted history today. Their appreciation, partnership, and understanding with the school have helped us do what we never did before.
We hope this achievement is the first step towards many such milestones for Presidency High School.
Here’s a list our proud toppers who scored 10 GPA: Billa Nithya Reddy, Bodempudi Apoorva Chowdary, Chiluka Rashmi, Dodla Keerthi Sai, Jakka Keerthi, Janga Vipul Reddy, Kaisaram Konda Vaishnavi, Manoj Singh Tomer, Nanchari Anniveera, Padigalwar Nandini, Padma Pranavi, Ragavula Nandini, and Veerapreddy Vaishnavi (10)
We would also like to reflect that 12 students achieved 9.8 GPA. Here they are: Akshanthala Praneeth, Allenki Aakanksha, Awaru Srihitha, Bashetty Shravani, Dangeti Manikanta, Kshiteej Totla, Kurikelly Keshav, Mooga Bhavani Yadav, Shada Bhavana, Shreya Shakai, Suhas Subhedar, and Vempally Tanuja Goud.
Here are more results: Ten (10) students scored 9.7, Ten (10) students scored 9.5, Twelve (12) students scored 9.3, and nine (9) students scored 9.2 and Five (5) students scored 9 G.P.A points. We have listed the other results for you here:
Our Principal, Mrs. Shamantha Nalla congratulated the parents of the students, students, and the staff members and expressed high hopes for the future of the students.
Congratulations, everyone!