Plants are nature’s beauty. They exist in several varieties and grow in different seasons. Plants occupy less space compared to trees and can be grown in pots.
To educate our winkies of Class 3 about how and where a plant grows, parts of a plant, and tools that are helpful while growing a plant, we took them to Indo Rose Nursery located in Sarangapur.
Our students studied about different stages of plant growth and various parts of plants. They noticed several varieties of plants existing in nature like climbers, creepers and shrubs. They also got to see how tools help a gardener in different stages of plant growth. Kids enjoyed the beauty of colourful flowers which blossomed on the plants.
A child of Ashoka surprisingly observed and exclaimed: “I haven’t seen blue colour rose till now. It’s really amazing to see”. One of the children told that “I saw how a gardener uses tools for planting and helping for its growth.” Another child from Maple shared “I was excited to see sowing seed in plastic bags and plants growing in small to big size pots”
We hope the trip helped our kids to understand the tools for gardening and their role in the plants’ growth.
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