Trip to Power Station – Study on transmission of electricity!

Electricity is the main source of devices that we use in our daily life. It is used by people in different ways in offices, schools, industries etc. To visually show how power is supplied to houses and workplaces from power stations, we took our kids to a power station as part of a field trip.

Kiddie winks of Class 2 went on a field trip on 30th Jan, to a power station to acquire knowledge on how power is transmitted and stored in station. Teachers clearly explained to them about how mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. She also showed how pylons come in various shapes and sizes and how power is transmitted from pylons to transformers, transformers to poles and finally from poles to our houses. They also instructed them about the safety measures to be taken while using power.

Few parents were also part of the field trip as volunteers. One of the parents exclaimed that “ I am very happy to be part of a field trip and this trip is useful for our kids in many ways”. Kids were engrossed in seeing the pylons and generators. One of the children shared “Now I came to know how power comes to my house”.

We hope such trips encourage our kids to examine and explore our surroundings in our daily life.

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The reason why we choose Presidency school is that it has the best curriculum and is implemented in ways other school fail to. “My child feels very happy and is very enthusiastic to attend the school.

Kurlepu Rajdeep

We were looking for a school with a higher teacher student ratio. The curriculum is very well structured, we are impressed with tracking the progress of pupils everyday.

S. Advait Reddy

The curriculum is interesting and useful. Everything helped my child. I learnt many new things about children and their daily needs and my child is happy to go to school.

Palnati Samarpan

Students have a stress free environment here. It has developed my Daughters confidence levels and she is more independent now.

Jyothi Mengrathi
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