Trip to Post Office – acquiring knowledge on how letters are posted

In earlier days we used to send messages from one place to another through letters which are sent through the post. As technology has changed, now people are using different ways to communicate. To show our children about different types of letters and how they are categorised and sent from one post office to another, we took our class 5 children to the Post Office as part of a field trip.

The main idea of the trip was to teach children the format of writing formal and informal letters and how to post them. At the post office, our kids observed different types of letters like Inland letter, Registered letter, speed post. They also saw how the letters are categorised according to types, places and procedures to send them to various places. Teachers explained about different stamps and their prices on the stamps and when to use them. One of the students exclaimed that “I came to know that letters these days can be sent to villages where they don’t have proper communication facilities”. A student was happy to share her feelings and said: “My mother didn’t see the post office as phones came from her generation and I got a chance to see the post office today”.

We hope such trips help our kids to know more about how communication was done in through physical letters and posts.

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The reason why we choose Presidency school is that it has the best curriculum and is implemented in ways other school fail to. “My child feels very happy and is very enthusiastic to attend the school.

Kurlepu Rajdeep

We were looking for a school with a higher teacher student ratio. The curriculum is very well structured, we are impressed with tracking the progress of pupils everyday.

S. Advait Reddy

The curriculum is interesting and useful. Everything helped my child. I learnt many new things about children and their daily needs and my child is happy to go to school.

Palnati Samarpan

Students have a stress free environment here. It has developed my Daughters confidence levels and she is more independent now.

Jyothi Mengrathi
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